
A selection of our publications are available for download. These publications are also available in print format on request.

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Rethinking the guest experience

Airport sets out a proposition for rethinking the guest experience of airports by acknowledging that wayfinding plays a key role in the experience of all guests at every stage of their journey.

Improving the journey experience

Interconnect marks a turning point in the
way the West Midlands responds to the needs of its residents and visitors. It sets a new benchmark for other places around the world that are aiming to improve the journey experience.

Creating the Canvas for Public Life in Bath
Public realm and movement strategy

Adopted as policy in 2010 with high levels of public and political support, this document proposes revitalising streets and spaces to transform Bath’s economic, social, and cultural wellbeing.

From here to there
Bristol Legible City

Bristol Legible City promotes the integration of art in the design of every facet of city life. This booklet outlines the approach for the integration of art and design within the Bristol Legible City concept.

You are here
Bristol Legible City

A presentation of concepts and work in progress on Bristol Legible City, and initiative of Bristol City Council and its partners.

Southampton Legible City

This book provides an introduction to Southampton Legible City, explaining how the project was developed and how a bold brand was designed to help people understand what is special about the place.